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Well, like you said, it's "another matter of opinion, of course."

Personally, I consider The Duelists a minor classic period piece; Bladerunner is one of my favorite films, especially the Director's cut version, with it's masterful blending of the SF & film noir genres; Alien was a phenomenal movie that inspired four sequels, only the second worthy of comparison to the original; I've never seen Thelma & Louise, but it did break ground in it's depiction of women seeking independence in a male-dominated society; Legend was recut and released by Universal in a diminishing what may have been a minor masterpiece of fantasy (several years ago Video Watchdog did a shot for shot restructure of Mr. Scott's original movie; the Director's vision was indeed butchered); Gladiator, as much as you dislike it, is a wonderful film in it's own rite, superior to most sword and sandal epics done a generation before; I haven't seen White Squall or GI Jane, but both were popular; 1492, Conquest of Paradise may have lost it's compass and gone off coarse, but it also suffered from the unlikelyhood of two Columbus historicals being released the same year; Hannible yhe cannible was terrible, but considering what they had to work with, screenwriter David Mamet and Director Scott did an amazing job with Thomas Harris's appallingly grim joke of a book.

So to make a long story a little shorter, I like most of Ridley Scott's movies and consider him to be one of the few Directors currently making films which are both entertaining and deal with complex and/or controversial subjects intelligently.


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