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So you liked the film- but don't pretend it's something it isn't.

Gladiator is a fiction- a mere fantasy.

The costumes were WRONG (Praetorians NEVER wore black- they wore red just like in all the other Hollywood films- also, the Romans did not upgrade uniforms en masse throughout the army- various styles were used )

The armor was WRONG. (There's a visored helmet from Saxony in one shot- popular in 1000 AD)

The weapons were WRONG.(The gladius was the main infantry weapon- and the personal multi- shot crossbow must have been a joke by one of the prop guys.)

The livery was WRONG.( Stirrups ? Breastplates ?)

The depiction of the Emperor Commodus was WRONG.

The "facts" in the film were WRONG- (Marcus Aurelius NEVER banned gladiatorial fights.)

As for the CGI Roman buildings- Foggedaboudid.

You can like the film for whatever reason you choose- but don't try and pass it off as anything but a VERY inaccurate portrayal of Rome.

It's a film- not a documentary.

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