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In Reply to: 7.1 versus 5.1 posted by junkfoodjunky on October 17, 2005 at 06:24:07:
7.1 Dolby and DTS codecs add two extra channels on the sides of the listening area and provide a more enveloping sense of the surround bubble than 5.1 codecs.
Follow Ups:
Thanks all. think i will stay with 5.1 because of room layout, furniture, access, etc.Could the "side" speakers be placed in the ceiling? Room is upstairs so access is easy.
I think it also depends on the room...if you are happy with your 5.1 & there are no "dead spots" then I would not change.
I'll be enlarging my room to 17 x 24 (from 14 1/2 x 17) in the next couple months. When would one consider 7.1 vs 5.1 worthwhile (I'll pre-wire for it regardless)?
As was stated above 7.1 is really just there to better "fill" the space. In my view if you setup your fronts correctly & you are seated between them, you can get away without a center. If you set up your rears in the same way (ie treat them as if they are separate stereo pair), then you will fill the room with sound & do it with only 4 speakers! Even two speakers well setup can be very rewarding.However, not everyone seats located in the "ideal" spot. In some rooms, the chairs are off to the side, the rears are in odd spots or are too small. So a center become necessary. So too additional speakers for 7.1 to better fill the room, because of where people are seated. But these are compromises, to deal with less than ideal placement of people & speakers.
The main thing to remember is your room is NOT a Theatre! In a theater, you want to fill the place to make money & you need lots of speakers so everyone can hear. Most of the sound track is MONO! (How is that for advancement!!) At home you have some more control & if you spend the time, you can get a great sounding setup.
I have read the small maggies (MMG-Ws) "beam" the sound pretty bad (my MMGs are bad enough) I could see if one had a pair mounted at the side position, that there would be a center "hole" in the back. Two more mounted on the back wall would help.Your room may be large enough to get away with it, as long as any particular placement is not an issue (i.e. room traffic, etc.)
The whole idea of having Magnepan 7 dipole speakers (large or small) in my living/HT room (14' x 24') seemed like a placement nightmare to me, along with WAF and too many door opening/traffic concerns. That's why I "chickened out" with cones for HT!
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