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In Reply to: try these posted by Joe Murphy Jr on November 29, 2006 at 19:36:22:
Your points are well taken...What I am saying is that we do not have multiple DVD PLAYBACK formats because there was a decision to have only one, which is why DVD took off. This is why you can buy a movie for under $10 in some cases. The 24/96 playback that every DVD player can manage is also a result of pressure from organizations (lead by Meridian) to have a higher audio standard (which did not take off).
As a plumber once said to me, "standards are wonderful things, that is why there are so many of them!" Or you can use your more "colourful" expression.
Basically, we agree there are always conflicting standards & dumb moves. Region encoding may well fall by the wayside, given the hacks that have been developed in Europe, so they can play our Region 1 movies.
Follow Ups:
Why would nearly every CE manufacturer back Blu-ray and all but one studio say "Yes." to producing movies for the Blu-ray format?And if you truly wanted one format, why would you not back the one that has more support for movies, more support from CE manufacturers, more future options/capabilities, etc?
Ah, the oversimplifications of fanboys...> > > Why would nearly every CE manufacturer back Blu-ray < < <
Maybe they beleived the hype that Sony spews out. Maybe they are just hedging their bets. Some are also backing HD DVD.
> > > and all but one studio say "Yes." to producing movies for the Blu-ray format? < < <
BTW, that "one" happens to own something like 80 years worth of movies. Others haven't commited yet, and will wait a while before doing so. Also, while Warner is doing both formats, it is putting out more movies on HD DVD than Blu-ray-using both, but not equally.> > > And if you truly wanted one format, why would you not back the one that has more support for movies, more support from CE manufacturers, more future options/capabilities, etc? < < <
They will end up voting for the bottom line, regardless of the pie-in-the-sky promises. Whichever one (if any) the public picks, will be the one they eventually back. Not all companies are enamoured with Sony, and all are aware of its *ahem* less than stellar history with new media. Not to mention, price *will* be a factor. Joe sixpack isn't going to pay $1K for a DVD player(PS3 doesn't count), especially if it doesn't play CDs (the Sony won't).
I'm not trying to start an argument, and as I've said before, I think both will just be niche products.
The real war isn't Blu-ray Vs. HD DVD, its HD Vs. SD.
JackPS. Apparently, PS3 didn't do as well as expected at saving Sony's butt, so the demoted the "father of the playstation".
I just have more reasons to believe Blu-ray will be around after HD DVD goes away.Why do you say the PS3 doesn't count? I see it as a Blu-ray player that also plays games, rather than a game machine that also plays movies. The PS3 is going to get better and better as Sony makes changes and updates to the system/firmware. It has the potential to become a better Blu-ray player than a stand-alone player because of the technology that Sony put inside that case.
Universal will cave in due time. Next to FOX, it's my next favorite studio so I am disappointed that they don't support Blu-ray at this time. As far as Warner Bros, I don't really care for them. They are supporting Blu-ray, but holding back quality because HD DVD is limited compared to Blu-ray. Their belief that audio quality is not important really pisses me off, so they fail as a worthwhile studio for me to consider.
I think the PS3 advantage is a bit overstated. First, xbox 360's are flying off the shelf as Sony can't get their act together and ship a glitch free product on a timely basis. That means xbox is making signifigant inroads in market share. Not to mention the xbox is cheaper out the door for consumers.Second, Xbox has an HD-DVD player that is very affordable (I think 199 with a remote) that allows users to output full 1080p. Sony still can't get their resolutions straight and have made many a ps3 useless after their most recent update fiasco.
I'm not saying HD-DVD will win- heck if I know who will- but after reading your previous post re: the advantages of blu-ray and the studio support, you've certainly made a convincing argument. Just pruning your Ps3 point.
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