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In Reply to: Re: try these posted by Estes on November 30, 2006 at 04:09:23:
Why would nearly every CE manufacturer back Blu-ray and all but one studio say "Yes." to producing movies for the Blu-ray format?And if you truly wanted one format, why would you not back the one that has more support for movies, more support from CE manufacturers, more future options/capabilities, etc?
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Ah, the oversimplifications of fanboys...> > > Why would nearly every CE manufacturer back Blu-ray < < <
Maybe they beleived the hype that Sony spews out. Maybe they are just hedging their bets. Some are also backing HD DVD.
> > > and all but one studio say "Yes." to producing movies for the Blu-ray format? < < <
BTW, that "one" happens to own something like 80 years worth of movies. Others haven't commited yet, and will wait a while before doing so. Also, while Warner is doing both formats, it is putting out more movies on HD DVD than Blu-ray-using both, but not equally.> > > And if you truly wanted one format, why would you not back the one that has more support for movies, more support from CE manufacturers, more future options/capabilities, etc? < < <
They will end up voting for the bottom line, regardless of the pie-in-the-sky promises. Whichever one (if any) the public picks, will be the one they eventually back. Not all companies are enamoured with Sony, and all are aware of its *ahem* less than stellar history with new media. Not to mention, price *will* be a factor. Joe sixpack isn't going to pay $1K for a DVD player(PS3 doesn't count), especially if it doesn't play CDs (the Sony won't).
I'm not trying to start an argument, and as I've said before, I think both will just be niche products.
The real war isn't Blu-ray Vs. HD DVD, its HD Vs. SD.
JackPS. Apparently, PS3 didn't do as well as expected at saving Sony's butt, so the demoted the "father of the playstation".
I just have more reasons to believe Blu-ray will be around after HD DVD goes away.Why do you say the PS3 doesn't count? I see it as a Blu-ray player that also plays games, rather than a game machine that also plays movies. The PS3 is going to get better and better as Sony makes changes and updates to the system/firmware. It has the potential to become a better Blu-ray player than a stand-alone player because of the technology that Sony put inside that case.
Universal will cave in due time. Next to FOX, it's my next favorite studio so I am disappointed that they don't support Blu-ray at this time. As far as Warner Bros, I don't really care for them. They are supporting Blu-ray, but holding back quality because HD DVD is limited compared to Blu-ray. Their belief that audio quality is not important really pisses me off, so they fail as a worthwhile studio for me to consider.
I think the PS3 advantage is a bit overstated. First, xbox 360's are flying off the shelf as Sony can't get their act together and ship a glitch free product on a timely basis. That means xbox is making signifigant inroads in market share. Not to mention the xbox is cheaper out the door for consumers.Second, Xbox has an HD-DVD player that is very affordable (I think 199 with a remote) that allows users to output full 1080p. Sony still can't get their resolutions straight and have made many a ps3 useless after their most recent update fiasco.
I'm not saying HD-DVD will win- heck if I know who will- but after reading your previous post re: the advantages of blu-ray and the studio support, you've certainly made a convincing argument. Just pruning your Ps3 point.
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