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Catch 22

a deeply flawed movie that can't decide if it's a satire, comedy, or serious anti-war statement, I can't help but like it nonetheless. Shocking sneak attack chills you if you've never seen it: "...there, there...there, there..." (but you should read the book).

Eisenhower's warning is right there in front of us: Milo Minderbinder and stock shares in lieu of a parachute, chocolate cotton, and sub-contracting out the bombing of airstrips. One has to guess that Heller would love CNN's coverage of the bombing of Baghdad (By my count--only three "smart bombs hit their intended targets during the entire episode--which flashes me on the "nice tight bombing patterns"--in the middle of the Mediterranian Sea), perhaps some enterprising Shiite carpet seller bought some airtime...this it too awful to think of.

This film is a paradox: too funny to be horrible, to horrific to laugh at. But you should read the book. Major Major Major Major. What bureauacy even today would'nt come up with that? The doctor watching his own death in a small plane accident whilst standing on the beach in his bathrobe--isn't that the very fortelling of "cyberdeath" -- paranoid films of today, where the evil goverment "kills" you by erasing your personal history stored on databases?

There's so much about this great Joseph Heller novel that's passed into our popular culture, we don't see the awful truth of it anymore. The Seven Sisters Gulf War, seen in light of Heller's message, scares the shit out of me. Everytime I fill my tank, I think about the A-10 Warthogs straffing the fleeing peasants with 50 cal. depleated uranium tank-buster slugs. The Horror! The Horror!

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