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Re: Influential in what sense?

Influential in the sense of setting new standards,
creating models for future filmakers of the genre. These films
become benchmarks in the historical development of the science fiction
films. Science fiction is a rather loose concept and has indeed
been quite stretched at times. Often the element of the fantastic
is involved. I suppose everyone has their own ideas about what
constitutes science fiction; I personally would not include "King
Kong" as science fiction, but rather fantasy-adventure, as there
is no scientific explantation or premise for the gorilla's huge
size, other than environmental isolation. In contrast, giant insects or other creatures mutated by atomic radiation would qualify for inclusion into the genre. I shun movies like "Have Rocket Will
Travel"(The Three Stooges)as bona fide sci-fi, rather I consider them
comedies with sci-fi elements. Dracula would belong to the horror
genre, not sci-fi, because the premise is supernatural, not scientific. I agree about "The Thing", as it sets new FX standards
for the genre. I don't disagree about Ridley Scott. His film, "Alien"
would be qualify in the sci-fi genre, with a further classification
as a sub-genre: sci-fi horror. - AH

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  • Re: Influential in what sense? - AudioHead 07:52:38 06/27/00 (0)

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