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Yes, there is prob much we can agree on...

Teen horror movies. My pre-teen granddaughter loves these, as just about everyone her age does. Ya know, trying to be grown up. Anyway, she bugged me to take her. I saw the previews on TV several times and it looked like a harmless spoof of teen horror movies. I read Roger Ebert's review and he raved about about it. The entertainment headline for it in our local paper read: "Satirical attack of horror movies is mindless, but good fun." The full review gave absolutely no indication of sexual content. I relented and took her, knowing full well that if things got out of hand, we'd be outta there in a flash. Exactly what happened. There was absolutely no redeeming values whatsoever in this flick - filth, perversity, racism, foul language - you name it, it was there. What the hell was Ebert thinking? Better yet, what the hell were the producers thinking??

Yes, the movie deserves an X rating. But how is anyone to know beforehand??? Irresponsible journalism leads them to believe it is "good fun."

It's just too bad other parents weren't there to lead their children away.

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  • Yes, there is prob much we can agree on... - Daryl R 16:58:08 07/08/00 (0)

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