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Take responsibilty for your actions!

I misinterpreted yor comment Daryl - not hard to do given the incomprehensibility of your arguments. Cleary I dont equate this movie with Frankenstein. But it isnt clear exactly what you do object to here (though my comment on male frontal nudity does appear to have been rather close to the mark). Lets go back to one of your prior comments -

--We are speaking of the gratuitous display of male frontal nudity and the penis, not something that is an integral part of the plot. We are talking about injecting disgusting sexual displays into the spoof of a movie which had no sex in the first place.--

Earth to Daryl - the entire genre of scary teenage slasher flicks has included gratuitous nudity since the 1980s. Go back to the Haloween films, Friday the 13th series of teen targeted dreck and its there for you to see. It was precisely this that the film spoofed. Dont like it? Thats a matter of taste, not the decline of western civilization.

Oh yes (and I cant believe a person whose family has been in the theatre busniess for years could screw this up) - Frankenstein murdered a young girl (albeit unintentionally) in what at the time was regarded as the single most controversial scene in the movie - something you should know if you had actually payed attention while you watched the movie.

But paying attention doesnt appear to be one of your strong points - IT WAS AN R RATED MOVIE. You failed to notice that and didnt like the consequences. Deal with it instead of decrying the movies existence.

---Who's talking about being protected from my own errors?.---

You are only you dont appear to be suffieciently sentient to reailize that. What your original post basically communicated was "Boycott this movie because I failed to note the rating and exposed my 9 year old to it". Face it Daryl - you screwed up and now you're channeling your outrage at Hollywood. I cant say any plainer than that so if you still dont realize it I give up.


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