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Joe, I wish your theater were typical of the United States

I viewed "Starship Troopers" with a rather sparse audience. In front of me was a young mother with two chilren under the age of 5. They freaked out. The mother insisted on watching the film with them and stayed. I've viewed preadolescent children at many of the R films I've see albeit I do not see that many. My wife teaches 3rd grade and has heard many of her students over the years revel at going to films that would make a prostitute blush or Dracula vomit. They seem to be in the company of an adult as our area is tough on enforcing the ratings code. Then there is the side issue of videos. I am not aware that video stores enforce the ratings code. The responsibility here lies clearly with the parents and many of them want to play laissez faire when it comes to raising their children.

No one here is suggesting that your right to see this "entertainment" should be denied nor should Hollywood be denied the right to produce such stuff. The Constitution gives you and them that right. I think what is bothersome to many is that this sort of stuff is becoming mainstream (you sound old enough to remember Stag films and "art" theaters), and that producers seem to be hiding or camouflaging the actual content. Since a very large group of moviegoers is adolescent and male, movie producers know this group is a veritable gold mine. So I believe it is becomes the viewer to ascertain the content of the film and if it is suitable for his/her eyes and those of their children. Then the parent must no cave in to the screams of his/her child(ren). However, there are few places where this information can be found. I gave a link to one of the few I know of and received a barrage of anti-Christian rhetoric. Is this the voice of sensibility and reason?

Daryl is not a loonie nor are you. Yes, Daryl made a mistake but who is perfect. Unlike the mother I mention above he did remove his child. That was wise. I've done that with one of my children at "Anastasia", a cartoon that was scaring the pants off of him. But afterall it is a Disney film, eh? So much for that logic. Daryl seeks to move on from what he did. Now can I ask you and others to help him and me to find avenues of discovering the actual content of a film rather than relying on a faulty ratings system and reviewers who are concerned with the adult content rather than suitabiltiy for adolescent and preadolescent children. So can we help each other out here?

BTW, I learned that if you discover within a reasonable time that the film is unsuitable for you or your party and you wish to leave, the theater will refund your money or give you passes to another show. I think this is a fair way of treating customers.

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  • Joe, I wish your theater were typical of the United States - Mike Craig 09:38:43 07/12/00 (1)

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