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MI2 -- Matrix

Well, I think you should take people's expressed opinions at face value -- just like an equipment review. If someone says "I like it. It was great!" that's an opinion, but doesn't tell you much. If someone supplies some context for the opinion, then you have a better idea of how seriously to consider it.

Now to your movies--

I never saw MI 1, but I saw MI 2. I like "action" films, and I still watch the old Bond films (the ones with Connery). However, I do not expect an action film to be so impossible as to be a cartoon. Then I just start laughing -- which is what some of the audience (including me) did where I watched MI2. I thought MI2 crossed over into the ridiculous, so I couldn't get into it. Also, I confess, I have real trouble seeing Tom Cruise as an action star. He simply lacks physical presence and he's too pretty. I felt that way about Top Gun; and the fact that Cruise is now older doesn't really help. An example of a recent action film that I liked was the latest Bond flick -- the world is not enough. Finally, a decent Bond film after years of fits and starts! I had my doubts about Pierce Brosnan; he has the same "handicaps" as Cruise (looks and size). But I thought he did well in this one. Connery is still the benchmark in the character -- size matters.

Matrix I enjoyed; and Keanu Reeves didn't bother me. It's a sci-fi, so my expectations are different. In a sci-fi, the impossible is possible; but the film has to set new rules about what is possible and stick by them. I thought Matrix did that pretty well, althogh not as well as the two Terminator movies -- Arnold Schwarznegger's best role by far -- playing a robot.

So there you have it -- no flames.
RBB --
"Still getting the wax out of my ears."

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  • MI2 -- Matrix - Bruce from DC 15:11:42 08/04/00 (1)

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