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"Eyes Wide Shut": Comments

I wonder what Kubrick was thinking about when he made this film?
Overlong, slow paced, normally something I detest, but there were some
interesting moments, especially the millionaire sex club scene -
some of the masks they wore were very creative and bizarre. I did
experience a letdown when Cruise was informed of the fake nature of
the threats against him. Seems there could have been some exciting
plot elements developed here, but they were innocously explained away by
Pollock. Ergo, no real climax. I predicted a lot of things; in particular
Cruise's real/fake wife's declaration to copulate at the end of the film. In reality,
would a successful doctor storm off into the night after his wife
confessed some sexual fantasy and her desire live it? Sort of
an improbable reaction IMO. And never have I seen Cruise make so many
confused, contorted faces in a film! Did Kubrick want to imply some
sort of correlation between Cruise's faces and the sex cult masks?
Were the masks symbols of the fantasies Tom and Nichole were having
to confront and overcome to reestablish their relationship? In the
final analysis, this film is a mixed bag, one that had a lot of
potential, but sadly fell short. - AH

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Topic - "Eyes Wide Shut": Comments - AudioHead 10:41:40 10/16/00 (49)

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