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Re: Thanks, (more analysis - long. . . .)

I would like to add just few words of clarification here. My biggest problem with EWS was that nothing there grabbed me and kept coming back, keeping me awake at night, forcing me to relive it. To me that is what separates art from artisanship.

There were plenty of such moments in Barry, in Paths of Glory, and some of his other works. The whole first part of the FNJ is like that, that atmosphere as tense as it gets - and one can not describe the sense of atmospere with words. It is that endless sense of discomfort and bad anticipation that yo experience while watching the Orange.

All EWS scenes seem to be void of emotion. Something is happening, but you are just watching, not experiencing it.

Perhaps the strongst scene in that emotional respect that I can remember is the dance in the later part of Salo. The story is as trivial as it gets, and it is getting even more trivial with every second by that time, but the atmosphere is simply getting thicker and thicker and more and more charged, and when that dance comes, you are about to faint, so intolerable the air is by now.

By contrast, nothing grabs you while watching the EWS, and when the "orgy" (I hate calling it that way, I would not want to be at one like that) comes you are about to leave and you simply gigle at it.

Great actors used to challenge the audiences with giving them the most insignificant subject the then playing it with incredible feeling of involvement and emotion. This is where Kibrick failed with his last work.

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  • Re: Thanks, (more analysis - long. . . .) - Victor Khomenko 11:14:57 10/24/00 (1)

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