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Stalingrad is a keeper

Stalingrad was a fantastic movie - a little bogged down at points, but brutal and honest. Fantastic acting. It was actually one of the first DVD's I bought for my personal collection.

I think that what makes or breaks a movie for me is whether or not I'm able to completely suspend my disbelief throughout the entire film. For example, with Enemy at the Gates - from the very beginning I was thinking "this person is a bad actor . . . hey, why is their hair so perfect when they just got shot at . . what was the writer thinking in this scene? . . I wonder how you build a set like that . ." and similar thoughts. With Stalingrad, I never once aknowledged that it was a movie, and simply bought into the entire story without question. I never thought of the characters being actors in real life. I never thought about writers and directors and cameras and lights.

My sneaking suspicion is that a film's ability to maintain my suspended disbelief is directly correlated to how hard they try to make the main characters look beautiful in every scene. Perfect hair after a gun battle, a clean shave after a week in the jungle, perfectly plucked eyebrows and fresh makeup while trapped on a mountain top - these are the things that make me hate a movie . . liuke a digital watch in a caveman movie. Jaundice and gangrene and unhealthy pallors . . these are what war and adventure movies must be made of if they want it to be believable.

I think I'm still ranting from last night's Bless the Child experience. Ha.

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  • Stalingrad is a keeper - brewthunda 10:51:22 10/13/01 (1)

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