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2001 -- A space Odyssey returns to DC

Kubrick's "masterpiece" returns to the "Uptown" theatre in DC (my neighborhood theater), where I first saw it 35 years ago in Cinerama (3 projectors filling 180 degree screen). Now only in 70 mm (Cinerama is no more; but, when it worked, it was SOTA until IMAX came along).

What is amusing is that today's Washington Post carries two diametrically opposed reviews of the film. One reviewer gushes all over it, calling it a timeless classic (or words to that effect) and the other call is a pretentious piece of s__t (or words to that effect) whose only redeeming value was its SOTA special effects, long since eclipsed by George Lucas's boys at ILM with their squadrons of Silicon Graphics workstations.

Having seen the film several times in the 60s and early 70s under and not under the influence of various mind-altering substances, my considered view is more in the p-o-s direction than in the "timeless classic classic" direction.

If either or both reviews are posted on the Post's web site --- www.washingtonpost.com -- they are both good reads, especially the p-o-s one.

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Topic - 2001 -- A space Odyssey returns to DC - Bruce from DC 07:14:22 11/02/01 (66)

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