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Just watched "Phantom Menace" DVD and I'm blown away...

...that the movie is even WORSE than I remembered it. (And I remember walking out of the theater calling it one of the worst movies I've ever seen). I've never seen so many glorious visual ideas rendered so tortuous to sit through. It's astounding to see a big budget movie with "quality" director misfire every chance it gets - I mean to a "Plan Nine 9 From Outer Space" level of incompetence, but without the ironic laugh content to brighten the experience.

The only conclusion I can come to is that TPM was the product of an extremely rusty, out of touch director whose financial power had reduced everyone on his team to "yes" men. I'm sure a fly on the wall during production (especially post production) would have heard countless variations of: "I know, this scene is confusing and the acting is flat, but don't let George here you say that."

And Lucas still can't accept reality. People are criticizing the movie's plot and acting? "Well, I made it for twelve-year-olds" he retorts. With a confusing plot about an interstellar taxation feud that leaves even adults scratching their heads? Bull's-eye, George.

Everyone hated Jar Jar Binks? George says: "I think he's great! Guess what? He's the only character I'm bringing back for the sequel!"
Thanks for listening, big guy.

Lucas, like that other out-of-touch megalomaniac, Michael Jackson, seems to be combining an incredibly stubborn, insular mindset with an "I do it all for you" slogan. We can see where that has lead Jackson. I hope Lucas can pull out of it and shake the rust off for the sequel.
Hopefully a friend, Spielberg or someone, talk some honest sense into the guy.

Why'd I buy TPM? To be able to dip into it's amazing effects and beautifully rendered worlds at my leisure, without having to endure the whole thing. But Oh Lordy, at what cost....

Rich H.

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Topic - Just watched "Phantom Menace" DVD and I'm blown away... - Rich H 08:21:49 11/05/01 (40)

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