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The ideas in the "original", as good as it debatably was, were borrowed from many sources.

The irony is that Episode I, with a few minor adjustments, could almost fit the discription in your post above. Also, I don't see the overall similarity between Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and the original Star Wars that you're suggesting (i.e., MORE similarities might be found between Episode IV and the original Jason and the Argonauts, if you think about it!). Again I ask you, who has ripped off whom?

BTW, subjectively speaking, the second of the original three (Episode V) is excellent and seems better directed than the first (Episode IV). In other words, I'm of the opinion that the original Star Wars ISN'T "the only good one."


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  • The ideas in the "original", as good as it debatably was, were borrowed from many sources. - Audiophilander 22:09:53 11/24/01 (0)

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