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Bruce, you should know better than to blow coke in a crowded thater; it's waaaay too public! ;^)

Seriously, I beg to differ with you on many of your views here, not that you aren't entitled to 'em! Gladiator is much better than you've indicated and truer to historical Rome than Sparticus, although admittedly I like Sparticus and we have it in our DVD collection as well!

As for your comments about the first two Alien films, Bruce, please consider your mouth washed out with virtual soap.

As for your comment about Thelma & Louise, I would concur that taken specifically as role models for BEHAVIOR that isn't what society is seeking for assertiveness, but as a statement or a reaction against perceived gender abuses, I can understand it's appeal to women. How is a film like this any less acceptable than macho-male buddy pictures with their over-the-top improbabilities? Is it because women aren't "supposed" to act aggresively in these situations or what? If that's your view we should burn all copies of the unrealistic Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and run Burt Bachrach out of town on a rail [Hey, that last thought isn't such a bad idea anyway! ;^)]

Bladerunner, is indeed cool and a superb visionary tale with underlying ideas woven into it about isolation, the risks of cloning, the fleeting nature of love and the claustrophobic realities of life in an overcrowded society.

BTW, after seeing BHD you should rent the Duelists too!


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