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Gladiator was truer to historical Rome ? What's BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA in Latin ?

Gladiator is a piece of fiction.

Emperor Commodus reigned for some 17 years after his father's death- he even shared the title and duties of Augustus (emperor) with his aging father Marcus Aurelius for some 3 years prior to that.

Therefore, there was no question he would become Emperor. He wasn't a bad general either- though he was a nut in the fine tradition of Roman Emperors.

In fact- he was the first emperor to inherit the title in Rome for 80 years- those that preceded him were appointed on merit.

He died after nearly being poisoned by his no.1 concubine Marcia (Marcia, Marcia, Marcia !)- he vomited and foiled the plot by purging himself of the poison. His wrestling partner finished the job and strangled him that same night.

There was no General Maximus- they may as well have called him Biggus Dickus.

Spartacus is a piece of historical fiction- the plot revolves around characters and events which actually occurred and were well documented. Sure- they took some latitude, but they stuck to the important facts- and even some minor ones such as Spartacus' body never being found.

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