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Just saw Blood Work

Enjoyed it immensely. Plus I don't think the reviewers got it right. Yes, we have a police procedural -- actually, an ex-cop procedural -- but the form does not limit the expression. Clint Eastwood is excellent (actor and director) and Jeff Daniels again delivers his note-perfect Stoner Next Door routine. OK, there's a cute kid but forget him.

The real thrill comes when the murder motive is established, as outre a development as ever I've seen. (Only Ellroy, in his books, can do better.) From there on, the pace picks up considerably, although sitting through an hour where the only fright was a hand clamped on a shoulder -- yes! -- was pleasureable in its restraint.

clark, on the run

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Topic - Just saw Blood Work - clarkjohnsen 13:53:29 08/16/02 (2)

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