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Software erases cursing, violence and sex from films

It looks like the company does the filtering by hand, and you just upload the software with the movie title's filter when playing the DVD.

From the article linked below: "But Breck Rice, co-founder of the two-year-old company, said scenes are often reconstructed rather than removed entirely so that the story line isn't affected. In a scene from "The Princess Bride," for example, two characters who are fighting would use laser-light swords instead of real swords."

They should have replaced them with walkie talkies. (Anyone catch the South Park with Raiders of the Lost Ark?)

I looked at this company's Web site, and they have some questionable titles. For example, how does one clean up "Monsters Ball" without losing the impact of the racism of the characters? (Unless the software just cleans up the sex towards the end.)

Reminds me of a Simpsons where Bart and Lisa work at the old folks' home. They show "Gone With the Wind" -- the "edited for old people" version. It ends with Rhett saying, "Frankly, Scarlett ... I love you, let's get married." One of the residents then says, "Wasn't there supposed to be a war in this movie?"

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Topic - Software erases cursing, violence and sex from films - TA 11:52:55 08/22/02 (0)

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