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A pleasant week in "the biz"

I have posted a couple times regarding my working in motion picture and TV sound. It was exciting many years ago but long ago became mostly as big a drudgery as any other job. Some times I get to see a good new film but often it's crap. This week I got three days running of fun. Laurence of Arabia is coming back out in limited release and they've made three new 70mm prints. I got to watch and do a QC check on all three. What a gorgeous film, shot in 65mm negative and recorded in 6 trk stereo. From Shepperton and Columbia in the days where Hollywood operated under the delusion that quality mattered. I got alot of visits while sitting in my screening room from clients and employees in other stages. All came in to admire a reel and exclaim "WOW". They then left lamenting the world in which we now work.

I don't know where these prints are going but keep an eye out in your town, they're very pretty.



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Topic - A pleasant week in "the biz" - SR 20:15:49 09/19/02 (6)

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