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review of 'unfaithful'

am i the first person to mention this movie here? my video store has numerous copies and recommended it. so i tried it out tonite. i think it came out on video last week.

this is a quality film. i'd give it 3 and 1/2 out of 4. but i didn't find it a pleasant film to watch by any means. in fact, i made an excuse to shut the dvd off partly through. the excuse that i would make some popcorn. the movie was killing me. i needed a break!!

it's about a woman's affair, a wife, and it's painful to watch. the actual word is excruciating. it's excruciating to watch.

not that i'm a prude. but the director is in complete control of the audiences emotional reaction. the director is in control throughout. that's what makes it a very good film.

i was praying for relief. that the director would go 'hollywood', give me some relief from the excruciation. by hollywood i mean, like a killing, suicide, something dramatic. some blood!!

i can't tell you the rest of the story. whatever relief you get is minor. it's no relief at all!!

if i can mention four movies that i've seen in the past year. 'the others' is still probably my favorite, and 'frailty' is a bit similar in its twist and not as good, but interesting.

this movie reminds me of 'in the bedroom' in a certain way. i can't say why because i can't give away the plot. but 'unfaithful' is definitely the better of the two here, and second of the four to 'the others'.

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Topic - review of 'unfaithful' - njjohn 17:35:24 12/26/02 (9)

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