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When she said "Eat me!" she didn't mean it like THAT

Well, the Big Night came. The unobtainable treasure of Trouble Every Day - the Claire Denis much talked about movie, sandwitched between the incredible Beau Travail and Friday Night - had arrived and the plasma was turned on.

The magic of Denis is inescapable - you can tell it from the first shots. And... I almost wish the movie ended after its first five minutes. As the rest has been the painful and unpleasant unraveling of the idol.

Many people never understood why she made that movie the way she made it, and I am afraid I will belong to that category... perhaps until the lightning strikes me. If it was just another of those many boring "Look how I can shock you!" opuses, then by this age I am very hard to shock, but I am very easy to bore, though.

And boring it becomes quickly, as quickly as she (the heroine) takes the first delicious bite.

And all the rest becomes time spent in hope - perhaps she really meant something significant... perhaps something unexpected is coming... perhaps the subtlety is hidden under the ice of gore.

Alas... all those hopes finally dissappear and you are left alone vis-a-vis your boredom and sense of revoltion that even a seasoned viewer must eventually sucumb to.

If you have strong stomach and must see "the other Claire Denis" then get it... if you can find it. Fortunately this "treasure" is well hidden.

But if you simply want a good movie - look elsewhere.

This one gets my French Kaka rating... full blast.

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    Topic - When she said "Eat me!" she didn't mean it like THAT - Victor Khomenko 05:02:09 01/06/04 (8)

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