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Film Forum? Hell,

I tried to get a discussion going about two quite good RECENT movies, House of Sand and Fog and Cold Mountain, and only one response to each post!
Posts about movies with long dead actors, directors, etc. get gazillion answers.
This is, I believe, a version of "they don't make music like they used to" over on Rocky Road.
C'mon, dinosaurs, get out of your damned living rooms and join the human race: art should NOT be exclusively a lone activity...it is SOCIAL.
Secondly, if you look down your collective noses at contemporary film, and boycott the indies as well as mainstream, you are abandoning the medium to the lowest common denominator.
You want less car chases, gratuitous violence (Jeez, I hope so, anyway...)? Well, try patronizing the producers who're taking a risk bringing you exactly that. (Rant over...)

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Topic - Film Forum? Hell, - tinear 07:04:31 01/07/04 (14)

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