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Watching old films

The discussion below made me think about the old films.

There seem to be two basic kinds of them. One is what I would call a period film, for lack of better word.

Watching them is like admiring the design and workmanship of a 1924 Bugatti. There is definitely a beauty, but it is something that doesn't belong in the modern world.

There is the other kind, and it spells timeless. You don't get any sense of things antiquated, belonging in the past. You watch it as you would watch any other great film, for it speaks modern language.

For some reason Frank Capra films to me belong in the first category. Many other fine Hollywood films, nice commedies, etc. They all should be considered in their own category, not in the overall running.

But things like Rules of the Game defy their period, and speak the language that is just as modern today. I can't explain why, but I do get a different feel whatching it - to me it definitely competes in the "general" category.

Ditto for things like Ninochka, M, L'Atalante, and some others.

Do you feel similarly, and which old films you would say defy the passage of time and remain as fresh today as they were once?

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    Topic - Watching old films - Victor Khomenko 10:00:29 02/18/04 (44)

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