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Triumph of the Guilt

Did Leni channel Mel or vice versa?

Though I found this a moving experience, it was hampered by the outright brutality of the event. Heaven forbid me making light of the most crucial moments of Christianity but the message of suffering for mankind was nearly lost in lurid special effects. Although Jesus lived in the body of a strong 33 year-old man, it is hard to accept his ability to endure the torment meted out before Calvary. I also resent Mel having one eye swollen shut for the majority of the movie as it took away much of the power to emote while constantly saying "brutality".

I found no "anti-" anybody. There was plenty of guilt to go around. But, I was rather insulted that Jesus' tormentors were almost demonic in appearance in comparison to others in the same scene whether they be Jew or Roman.

The most intriguing character for me was Satan. In the opening, inside the garden, I was struck by his physical appearance. Remembering that Lucifer was His most beautiful and powerful creation, his nearly beautiful countenance grasped my imagination as being what Lucifer could be (have been). I was slightly surprised to see him played by a woman--then it made perfect sense to achieve that look.

This movie is not for every one, not even every Christian. This is a film that you can't say: "I liked it" or "I loved it". It is an experience.

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  Kimber Kable  

Topic - Triumph of the Guilt - albee33 18:31:45 03/18/04 (3)

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