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I just saw that Christ movie

I don't go to the movies often.
Prefer watching in the comfort of my home.
But all the hub bub about this movie drew me out of my cave.

Theatre was 1/3 full by the start.
Two seats over were two young people I knew.We exchanged pleasentries and i informed them if they talked during the movie I would stick my New Baance 9.5EEEE right up there ass.They said yes sir Mr.YECH.Small town kids are so respectfull.I thought I had it made as the lights went down.And then came the gruesome threesome seating themselves behind me.The Mr. eating popcorn and kneeing the back of my seat untill he got his walrus ass situated and two females next to him.I could tell by the AquaNet/perfume stench.

Then the movie starts.
First thing I notice.
Does Jesus have the only toothbrush in town???Or is the Roman soldiers dental plan that bad???
And then all the dull colors.Brown,grays and an occassional splash of red.No wonder these people are oppressed.They need more pastels to lighten there tortured existence.
And then the real fun begins and Jesus starts takin it "on the chin", so to speak.That's when Mrs.AquaNet starts crying.It didn't stop the entire goddamn movie!!!!Sniff sniff,blows her nose,sniff sniff.
Is this bound for the Academy award for best movie.
Let us pray.
It doesn't.

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Topic - I just saw that Christ movie - YECH 14:12:48 03/21/04 (9)

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