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The Irreversible horror and hopefully reversible family drama

I remember a brief discussion of Irreversible here a few months back.

Well, after some thinking I have to give it all my thumbs down.

I would stop short of calling it kaka, for there are some thngs that do justify a look. No, I am not talking about the 30 minute rape scene, but that part nearly broke my marriage. My wife quickly declared the film unfit for human consumption - who would blame her after the endlessly rotating, spinning camera? - and took a nap. I thought - OK, now I can watch it without interruptions - she likes to talk expressing her thoughts during the film... women... you know... - and things progressed well for awhile... with me watching, her sleeping... and then she woke up like ten minutes into the rape scene... and the horror on the screen meshed with the outrage next to my head, and the result was something I have not experienced before - hell knows no fury like a woman who wakes up to a scene like that...

Well, she packed and left for another room, telling me to call her when it is FINALLY over... but as it was not over for another twenty minutes or so, she decided that I simply forgot about her, and that little fact threw more gasoline on the raging fire.

After the movie was over - and the last scenes are beautiful - I didn't dare to speak. Neither did she... at first... and then she started.

Needless to say, the next movie we watched in silence. I think I softened her a bit with César et Rosalie, enough so that she would at least acknowledge my presence... with a blink of an eye, not words yet, but I think I shall keep working on it.

Well... thumbs down is easy to say. It is harder to forget that creation. There's definitely something in there. No, I didn't get bored like some reviewers did. And if I were single, I would even consider watching it again... not that the sequence was all that hard to grasp... not after the Memento... but I would like to experience the uninterrupted flow, as I feel the flow WAS important to that film, and it was exactly that flow that my wife so inconsiderately interrupted.

And César et Rosalie? Well, that one is not something that deserves much talk. Montand is great, though.

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    Topic - The Irreversible horror and hopefully reversible family drama - Victor Khomenko 19:51:57 03/27/04 (6)

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