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Seeking unsigned MUSIC for FILM / TV / GAMES - NEW COMPANY

Hey out there,
i'm gonna post and keep posting until i get every unsigned band out there.

it's robert from Film Spot Music. and we are in search of more music for our upcoming Summer sampler. again our services are FREE we dont ask from any money from you and we are very independent and want to keep it like that. We've gotten some real good feedback from here and are looking for more as ALWAYS. every genre is needed. keep the music coming!!
any questions let us know THANKS!

Robert Payne
Music Supervisor
P.O. Box 642296
Los Angeles, CA 90064

ph. 310.795.9812

you can email any of the music supervisors and we'll get back to you asap!!

any questions concerns
a&r alt/rock

a&r urban

a&r urban/jazz/alt rock

This post is made possible by the generous support of people like you and our sponsors:
  Atma-Sphere Music Systems, Inc.  

Topic - Seeking unsigned MUSIC for FILM / TV / GAMES - NEW COMPANY - uclarobz 00:37:46 04/17/04 (0)

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