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Claude Chabrol

Decided yesterday to order this set...

Interesting how polar was the viewer's response - could the last guy be the "new wave" (Huh!) HT person seeking perfect demos for his new 100" HD projector to impress the dinner guests?

Or is he the only reasonable person of the three...

Even more interesting was the "Helpful" ratings of the reviews. Note than the two positive reviews were deemed not too helpful, while the negative one - 13 said it was helpful to them... presumable in avoiding the set.

They teach us in marketing that one negative statement by a customer affects twenty people, one positive - maybe three... and here I guess we are seeing the confirmation of that rule.

Any comments on this set?

Speaking of quality... not too many years ago many of us had to struggle with the horrible, horrible tapes, that was the only way to see things like most Bergman... so we strained our eyes reading the white-on-white subs in Persona.

Somewhow that didn't distract us from getting the artistry of the films.

How times change...

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    Topic - Claude Chabrol - Victor Khomenko 07:29:20 06/17/04 (3)

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