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Star wars box set Digital transfer VS analouge aproach?

Tommorow morning heer in the Uk the Star wars DVD box set will be hitting the shelves.
I have beeen collecting films for many years and already have them on the Laserdisk format.

What intrests me is how the films will transfere to compreshion ratio of 100 to 1. the 1977 Star wars has a very "earthy" tone to its colour pallet and i feel that the moment this gets digitised and cleaned up the original look will have vanished.
Sometimes i find dvd extremely fatiguing,Shure it has no noise on the screen and is conveninet to use,But as for collecting films i still think Laserdisk holds it own.
I have a pioneer elite Laserdisk and also Elite DV09 player.
I watched the star wars films when they where shown on SKY digital here in the uk,The image was Hard,fatiguing,No depth,Compressed and had rasor sharp edges on everything from the foreground to background.

I watch Star wars on vhs and i know it sounds odd but i get more enjoyment from the analouge source.
I hope the films transfer well.

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Topic - Star wars box set Digital transfer VS analouge aproach? - croft 22:42:17 09/18/04 (0)

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