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Pasolini - best forgotten?

Those familiar with the life and death of scandalous Italian director know the history behind his sorry last masterpiece Salo... better not be mentioned before dinner.

Probably the strongest film that didn't have to be made, and if you had to purge your memory of one, that would be it.

And yet, Pasolini made many many other films, which do deserve attention, in my view. I enjoyed his classical stories: Il Decameron (perhaps my favorite, due to my love for the original Boccaccio work), I Racconti di Canterbury, Il Fiore delle mille e una notte, Edipo re...

So - why this oblivion? You can happily live through years of movie discussions without encountering his name.

Doesn't sound fair to me.

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    Topic - Pasolini - best forgotten? - Victor Khomenko 06:53:58 06/20/05 (13)

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