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Tin, you made me cry...

Well, almost. I told my wife De Sica was coming and surprisingly she did not hurl the pot of borsht at me, instead she said something about Seinfeld that was not too flattering...

Today it arrived, "The Children are Watching Us"... and it didn't take me long to realize I haven't seen it before.

Let me be brief... I liked it, that was pretty much assured - I don't see how one can not love any De Sica's film, but I could also see its imperfections.

The references to Forbidden Games are inevitable, but where De Sica's work is at times too direct and ever so slightly lacking in subtlety, The Games (judging from the memory, to be fair!) truly excells.

Just to be fair, again, I don't think one should be pitting one such film against another, and I know much of it is very subjective and personal, but to me the Games still remain on the top.

Regardless... an excellent recommendation!

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    Topic - Tin, you made me cry... - Victor Khomenko 20:00:30 09/29/06 (2)

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