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Saw Dream Girls

Nice cinematography, hair makeup and costume. Yeah, Jennifer Hudson sure can sing. But what is all this about Eddie Murphy or Jennifer Hudson winning awards for acting? They really weren't all that good let alone outstanding. Hudson made many beginer's mistakes including not knowing what to do with her hands. Murphy at his best in this movie was just doing an SNL character, at times he was barely there. Why is it that all a comedian has to do to be praised as a great actor these days is tone his act down to nothing? The movie was nice light entertainment with some awkward moments of transitions between being a movie about music and a musical production. Nice trip dowm memory lane. The looks and the sounds were quite nostalgic. The attempts to tie into the social revolutions of the times were lame and superficial. Oh and Beyonce is serious eye candy. She can't act but she does grace the screen with her beauty.

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Topic - Saw Dream Girls - Analog Scott 10:23:59 01/05/07 (5)

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