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"The Painted Veil"

Having seen Edward Norton on Charlie Rose, I knew what to expect here and I wasn't surprised or disappointed. (Well, the Diana Rigg role was a suprise.) many of Maugham's stories and novels have been adapted for film and this screenplay is a faithful and good one. When stiff upper lip bacteriologist Norton discovers his wife Naomi Watts' affair with businessman Liev Schrieber in a920's Shanghai, he volunteers for a position in rural China at the heart fo a cholera epeidemic and threatens Watts wih divorce unless she accompoanies him there, despite the overpowering danger. When Schrieber won't help her she reluctantly goes and after some weeks of pure boredom starts to volunteer at a local convent/orpanage. Then one morning...

Excellently acted by all four stars and beautifully shot, much of whoch looks like Chinese artwork. All in all, a slight story but atmospheriics help out here, as does the acting.

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Topic - "The Painted Veil" - rico 08:23:25 01/15/07 (1)

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