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"The Hurricane'

Despite the disclaimers at the beginning of this 1999 Norman Jewison film starring Denzel Washington, I felt throughout that the early parts were sanitized and after investiagtion on the Internet, sure enough, like "Birdman of Alcatraz" and other sympathetic looks at prisoners it does clean up fighter "Hurricane" Carter's early life and transgressions. nevertheless, it is a very entertaining film despite the fictionalized portions throughout. In this version, Washington/Carter is falsely convicted and imprisoned for 22 years in the New Jersey penal system before the efforts of three Canadians (who live together with a teen age boy they are raising) pay off. The pacing is particularly well structured and there is a good build up of suspense, especially for those who are not that familiar with Carter's highly publicized story. Well acted, especially by Washington.

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Topic - "The Hurricane' - rico 12:26:27 02/01/07 (0)

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