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An orgy of Fassbinder: "Veronika Voss" and "Fox and his Friends."

Both brilliant and not to be missed.
VV has been compared to "Sunset Boulevard" but it doesn't have the Grand Guignol feel of that film. Interestingly, perhaps as an homage, Fassbinder filmed in a white glare which has the effect of making the exceptional lead actress seem like a screen icon in closeup and like a manikin further away.
Being Fassbinder, of course it is about tragedy, the inevitability of decadence and fall, and the not-so-pleasant realities of love and desire. What elevates Fassbinder to one of the greatest directors is that in the midst of his unflinching and never-wavering candor he also finds the humanity of his characters.
"Fox and his Friends" is about a gay carnie who wins the lottery. Immediately, a charming, well-connected, and wealthy man introduces him to the urbane gay jet-set.
Inevitably, like Icarus, he finds his new wings bring about his disaster.
Yes, there is male nudity but the scenes of gay "love" are very, very tame (even by today's Hollywood standards): I doubt any but the most easily offended would be put-off by a few nude males.
Anyhow, Fox's character sensationally is played and the character himself is unforgettable, being witty, trusting, and far cannier than those who attempt to use him.
One major reason Fassbinder's films of the underbelly work is that we see actual denizens of these depths, not actors attempting to portray what those folks must be like. That he manages to get such performances from them is remarkable.
But, like VV, Fox's performance is a landmark of modern film.
Oh, did I mention Fassbinder is Fox?

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Topic - An orgy of Fassbinder: "Veronika Voss" and "Fox and his Friends." - tinear 05:06:03 02/28/07 (7)

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