Home Video Asylum

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Re: Need advise on TV purchase....

Sean makes many good points in his well thought out reply. But I'm not so sure that buying the extended warranty is such a good thing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not disagreeing with this advise or taking issue with it, just wondering. I've wrestled with this decision more times than I can remember, never feeling I made the right choice, even after purchasing the EW, or not. Stands to reason that stores and manufacturers aren't selling extended warrantees because thet are losing money on them, but rather, they are a profitable business decision for the seller of the plan. Therefore on average, statistically speaking, what these plans pay out on repairs/replacements is more than made up for in plan sales revenue. Then again, if you are the poor slob whose gadget goes belly up a few days after the free warranty expires, like I was once with a hi-fi flying erase 4 head vcr when they weren't dirt cheap, you would be glad if you did buy the EW. So who knows. It's a crap-shoot, but tilted in the favor of the sellers of EWs, or else they would definately not be selling them.

PS: there are many reasons to avoid CC as alluded to by Sean, I agree completely. My one bad expired warranty experience, while certainly not their fault, happened to be at a CC in So. CA, which was really anoying, but what really toasted my cookies with CC, was their stupid divx consumer rip-off venture. I'm glad most of the DVD early adopting consumer public had enough marbles to cause this fiasco to fail, but as a result of CC's intentions with attempting to foist the divx scam on us, I will never shop another CC again. Just my opinion.


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