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Re: pre-amps & processors

It depends on your budget. One of the best sounding, best built, and best value pre/pros out there is the Classe' SSP-25. It lists for $3000, but sounds better than most pre/pros I've heard. If your budget is higher, they have a new SSP-75 which is $7000. It just might be the new reference pre/pro. The Classe' pre/pros have a direct analog bypass which is great if you have a high-end CD player. If not, the Classe's DACs are top notch. If you prefer a slightly more forward sound, Proceed and Krell have some nice $5000 and $6000 pre/pros. I haven't heard Theta or Meridian, but I have heard good things about them. I'd avoid Lexicon as they do not perform well with 2 channel material (great DD/DTS and DSP performance, though).

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  • Re: pre-amps & processors - Justin 18:35:33 02/03/00 (0)

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