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For the record...

Thanks for all of the suggestions. As most of you know, i like to play the used market and had to select what i thought was the best of what was available at the time.

I ended up snagging one of the newer versions of the Acurus 200X3. These are called "A" versions ( A200X3 ). The amp is appr. 1 year old and i picked it up for 1/2 price. These new versions have had enough re-engineering done to them that the older models can not be updated. Main goals were to smooth out the high end, increase low impedance stability and beef up the power supply.

When i talked to a tech at Mondial on the phone Friday, they said that the increased use of metal domes in newer speakers caused many people to think that their older designs sounded hard & bright. More than a few thougth they sounded hard & bright with soft domes, so i guess there had to be quite a bit of truth to that. Current rating on the power supply was also increased by 20%, so that should also help to firm up the bottom end while helping to deliver more power at low impedances. The amp is now rated at 200 @ 8 and 300 @ 4 for all 3 channels being driven simultaneously, which is 50 watts more per channel at 4 ohms.

Since this will only be driving my center and surrounds, it should work fine and have plenty of power. I should have it sometime this coming week if everything goes right. Sean

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  • For the record... - Sean 22:50:31 04/22/00 (0)

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