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To MarkW: Re: Tried the FM antenna from RatShack

Since the original thread is sinking fast down below:

I picked it up from a RatShack last night and tried it out, unfortunately,
it didn't seem to work well for me.. Actually, it seems much worse than the standard dipole that it came with. It had no problems with the NYC stations but neither did the dipole, but the one station that I really like to get (WDHA in Dover, NJ) came in worse than the dipole. I tried many different spots and pointing it towards Dover, but no luck. lots of static. Interestingly it killed the signal strength meter reading as it would always read a full 5 bars out of 5 but you could hear lots of static. Unfortunately, WDHA is behind a slightly taller hill between my home and the station. I can get the station quite good in my car when it's not behind the hill. The dipole antenna is not bad for WDHA, it used to cut out alot depending on where I was in the room and sometimes would fluctuate, but I think i found a good spot for the dipole.


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Topic - To MarkW: Re: Tried the FM antenna from RatShack - Jay 05:33:18 05/26/99 (11)

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