Home Video Asylum

TVs, VCRs, DVD players, Home Theater systems and more.

Re: Why would you even consider HDTV at this point?

I totally agree! Everyone seems to be talking about HDTV. Why? Is it because you want to see Jay Leno's stubble in The Tonight Show, or is it because you want to watch those two football games and three severely edited movies a year? To me, HDTV makes no sense. 99% of everything on TV is crap anyway. And watching movies on TV is so painful. They cut out a quarter of the movie and advertise every ten minutes. TV is a joke. Does any A/V enthusiast ever actually watch television? I don't know any that do.

And do manufactures think that Joe and Jane Q. Public (the average American watches 48 hours of television a week...more thatn they work! even care how good the picture or sound is? They're not gonna spend $10,000 on a TV when the average TV sold is something like a $250 25" GE? HDTV is misdirected.

I won't be buying another monitor until they perfect a nice large screen 16:9 plasma TV (like the Pioneer) and sell it for around $5000 so it doesn't affect the imaging of my HT system. Good luck!

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