Home Video Asylum

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Re: Color for new HT room?


I know you were probably being facetious or patronizing, but I have to register my disagreement with this continuing stereotype of "inferior males" having worse taste than women. For every man's black-walled HT room, there's a woman's living room filled with "shabby chic" garage sale finds spanning 5 or 6 centuries and three or four continents of design influence. For every "menacing", ugly black RPT flanked by oversized black speakers and towering racks of black electronic equipment, there's a kitschy collection of Gone With The Wind collector's plates and "Precious Moments" porcelain figurines.

In the time when men went to work and their wives spent the majority of time at home, the woman could dictate the home environment over only the mildest objections from a disinterested husband. Because, also during this time, the husband chose the car the wife would drive, although he did allow her to have some choice regarding the color. The husband set the budget and gave his wife a grocery allowance. But times have changed. Women are no longer "kept in their place" in this way.

Why shouldn't men "get in touch with their feminine side" and compromise with their spouses on an environment in which BOTH would be comfortable? There was a time when a man who dared to express more than mild interest in the environment in which he was to spend most of his life was "kept in his place" by the fear of having his sexual orientation questioned.

Hmm. Maybe times haven't changed that much...

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