Home Video Asylum

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I record alot of movies from digital cable. My 8 year old sony needs to be retired. I have seen Toshiba and Mitsu s-vhs-et for around $160 bucks. Can anyone give an opinion whether to purchase one or wait till the DVD-R come out in August. Understanding that until they are fully debugged and USABLE, it will be 6months to a year..
I do not own a DVD but have 2 HDTV's. Does one need both vcr and dvd? Or scrap the vhs and purchase dvd's and a player to be suggested later?

P.S. the industry suggests that VHS will be obsolute in around 5 years. Is it possible they know something about the required time to debug the DVD-R's???????
Thanks for any opinions.


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Topic - S-VHS - wheezer 03:07:36 03/14/01 (14)

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