Home Video Asylum

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Re: A/V reciever that has true analog bypass?

I know for sure that all Yamaha receivers have analog bypass while in 2 channel, stereo mode. That is even with bass management engaged. I've had it confirmed by Yamaha themselves.

I read a post from DenonDave(Marketing Rep. from Denon) who is on AV Science Forums. I believe he also stated in one of his posts that Denons models operate the same way When they are in stereo mode with DSP modes inactive, it is in analog bypass with no A/D to D/A conversion. So from my findings, you should be safe with Yamaha and Denon.

Sony's DB and ES series has now included analog bypass in their new models. The older ones were commonly talked of in forums as always including an A/D to D/A conversion even in stereo mode. I never had a Sony receiver so I don't know for sure, but their new ones do have an analog bypass, but it also bypass tone controls, if that's important to you.

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  • Re: A/V reciever that has true analog bypass? - Brad G. 01:17:56 03/19/01 (0)

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