Home Video Asylum

TVs, VCRs, DVD players, Home Theater systems and more.

Okay, I'll try here...

I have had hopes a "hi-end" DVD player could provide better PQ than "mass-market" players. But so far, nothing I've read suggests the kilobuck Meridians, Arcams, Teac Esoteric, EAD, Krell, Linn etc. offerings are much better than "lower end" DVD players in terms of PQ.

Yes, I could live with the very best in multichannel audio, but why wouldn't I expect significant improvements in PQ with the hideously expensive players ? I'm fairly sure the Denon 5900 is considered close to the top of the heap with PQ; not necessarily so with audio. Is there a player out there which significantly betters the 5900 in both PQ and audio ?

I'm seriously tempted to go with a decent (and reliable) "mass market" unit which has DVI/HDMI outputs and adequate black level/contrast controls. Too bad, I haven't seen such a unit yet.


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Topic - Okay, I'll try here... - oscar 19:42:17 06/08/04 (25)

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