Home Video Asylum

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DVD digital outputs


I'm wondering if someone can answer what's probably a really simple question.

Do many DVD players have digital outputs? If so, what is the format of the output? Is it the same as CD (44.1/16)?

Also, I've heard about other formats, like DVD-Audio (?) and SACD. Do DVD players read those formats, and if so, what is the format of THEIR digital outputs? Is it the same as just a plain movie DVD? (I'm guessing not.)

The reason I ask is that I'm considering building a purely audio system around a TacT digital amplifier that has only digital inputs (up to 192/24). I don't have any video equipment now, but I don't want to be caught out in the cold down the road when I decide to go video.

Any help for a dumb video newbie will be appreciated. Thanks!

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Topic - DVD digital outputs - C Colby 09:53:04 12/26/02 (2)

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