Home Video Asylum

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How can I RECORD SATELLITE HDTV programs on video tape?

Help! I recently purchased a JVC 3000U digital HDTV VCR with the express intention of recording High Definition programs being broadcast over satellite (DirecTV). I NEED TO RECORD from the SATELLITE because my home is in an area full of hills & valleys, and the terrestrial ("Over-The-Air") reception is not adequate.

PROBLEM: The JVC VCR will ONLY accept HDTV signals via "FireWire" (digital) input. My Mitsubishi High Definition Satellite Receiver only outputs "Component Video" (analog). Therefore, I can't connect. AARRRGGGGHHHhhhh! They won't talk to eacdh other!

Please help! Does anyone know the answer to either of the following questions:
(1) Is there any way that I can convert "Component Video" to "FireWire", via some sort of adapter or converter? How about if I somehow route the signal through my Sony digital camcorder, (which has a "FireWire" output)?
(2) Or better yet, are there ANY HDTV Satellite Receivers that have a "FireWire" output? (I have spent many many hours looking on the internet, but no luck so far.)

Thanks for helping!

Christopher A. Wolter

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Topic - How can I RECORD SATELLITE HDTV programs on video tape? - SuperDDS 00:00:52 04/11/03 (3)

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