Home Video Asylum

TVs, VCRs, DVD players, Home Theater systems and more.

D-VHS in my future?


I usually hang out in another forum here, but would like to get some feedback on D-VHS.

I recently got an LCD HDTV and live in the middle of nowhere with no cable or satellite subscription. We have a nice progressive scan DVD player, so we aren't suffering, but would like to fill the gap until HD DVD players have come down in price to where a regular slob like myself can afford one.

I have been thinking that it would be nice to at least have something High-Def to show off the television to friends and have as a change of pace from Netflix faire.

Are there any inmates here that have a D-VHS player? What do you say to encourage or discourage me; I figure that at about 200 bucks for a deck, it is not a ton of dough to throw down the rat hole...

[flame shield up] ;2)

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Topic - D-VHS in my future? - Phil_in_CA 20:31:07 02/02/05 (4)

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